Power chips are linked to outside circuits with packaging, and their performance relies on the support of the product packaging. In high-power situations, power...
Betaine surfactants
It is created by the reaction of fatty tertiary amines and salt chloroacetate, consisting of cocoylpropyl betaine, dodecyl betaine, cetyl betaine, and lauroyl...
Wastewater resource usage is the future growth instructions of sewage treatment and is additionally an unpreventable necessity for lasting human development. Raw material drawn...
The growth trajectory of the spherical silica powder market is intricately linked to a firm commitment to continuous improvement. Companies that carefully consider prioritizing...
The Relationship between Sodium Silicate and Water
Sodium Silicate, as an inorganic compound, has a close relationship with water. When Sodium Silicate is mixed with...
Technical Advantages of SCR Power Module
SCR Power Module is a power module using SCR (Silicon Controlled Rectifier) ​​technology. It has the following main advantages: